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What is the consumption of digital content in Spain?

The National Observatory on Telecommunications and Information Society (ONTSI) has just published the “Study of the use and attitudes of consumption of digital content”. The study has focused on the consumption trends of digital content over the past year, focusing on the frequency of consumption and its modalities. It covers content downloaded from the Internet, content consumed online and those that have been played on a digital medium without necessarily having downloaded it from the network or played on the Internet.

On the other hand, according to the study conducted by Strategy Analytics and AppOptix, a 50.4% of consumers use a personal device for commercial purposes, offering a tremendous business opportunity for B2B players.

Digital photos, the most consumed digital content

The studio’s flagship content has been digital photos, as 71.6% Spaniards have used it, with mobile applications(67.1%) second, followed by news and articles on the Internet (66.2%) and Networks used by more than half of the population (60.1%).

It should be noted that, in the last year, seven of the twelve content analyzed have been consumed or used by at least half of the population. In addition, consumption has been higher among the male population in virtually all types of digital content, especially in video games – Men play 29.7%, while the percentage of women playing is 17.0% – and the digital press reading – A 71.3% men face a 61.2% –. The study shows two exceptions: reading e-books, where the percentage of women using this resource is 24.7%, compared to men with a 22.3% – and Social Media, where the percentage is very similar –60.5% women and 59.7% men.

On the other hand, with regard to age, as the use of digital content progresses, it decreases, being practically zero in the ages between 65 and 74 years, noticing a significant decrease between 55 and 64 years.

So who are the ones who use this type of content the most? Young people between the ages of 16 and 24 are the ones who use this type of content the most, that is, the ones that give the most use to social networks, digital photos, see both audiovisual and digital photos, listen to music, play video games and share content – blogwriting, hanging your own photos, etc. with the exception of the training courses, which give it the most use are the young people aged 25 to 34, the latter also read more in E-book format, use more programs to share files and read more websites.

Finally, the population not interested in digital content is due to a lack of interest in% them, representing only 6.2 between the ages of 16 and 74. Other reasons stem from problems related to access and misunderstanding.

Reading news online, an activity that takes place daily

A 48.4% of the Spaniards read the online news daily, being the activity they perform most%frequently, followed by the%use of Social Networks (40.5 ) and Apps (39.9 ). The eBook is also used daily.

Frequently weekly, he leads the viewing of films, series, documentaries and videos, one in four weekly consumers of this content. Video games are also in this category more than any other.

On the other hand, occasionally,% 9.8 of the Spaniards have taken online courses. Other rare activities are the use of applications and file sharing% programs – Un10.5% does so every day and 9.6 on a weekly basis.

The study highlights that, as the age of the user is younger, the greater the frequency of use of the contents. A 39.9% of the users between the ages of 25 and 34 are intensive users, that is, the ones who consume the most the%contents, followed very closely by the youngest – between 16 and 24 years old – a 38.3 . By contrast, users aged 55 to 64 use them exceptionally, and in the case of older users – 65% to 74 years old – the use is zero in a 49 of them.

Nearly 1 in 3 Spaniards have paid for some digital content

Almost one in three Spaniards has paid in the last year% for some digital content: a% 19.5 for audiovisual content, a 10.6%has paid for some book in E-book format and very closely – 10.5 – have paid for music. In contrast, although the online press is consumed daily, very few Spaniards allocate revenue in articles and news, in this case being the%group of 55 to 64 years the most prone to payment (6.9 ).

It highlights the growth of payment for video games, since only 2.3% of the Spaniards bought video games online in%2011 and last year this figure rose to 9.0. Users aged 16 to 34 are the ones who spend the most money on this content in a significant way, as well as music. In terms of audiovisual content, young people aged 24% to 34, 29.9 have paid for this type of content over the past year, being the one that has paid the most in this category as well as in music, courses and programs to share files.

While more than half of Spaniards –%68.7 – opt for the payment of at least% some kind of content, a 31.3 rejects any form of payment. Among all the payment models, it leads the pay-per-consumption/content,% with more than 30 of the population being the favorite, excelling in the payment of e-books and video games. The format by consumption free, but with advertising, is the second most popular, also used by a third of the population%and very popular in the consumption of music and in the digital press –27.1 –. These two methods are the most chosen in audiovisual content, as well as% subscription content, chosen by a 24 of the population. The least common is the method of%freedom of payment – 9.5 –.

As for the difference by income level, the higher the revenue, the higher the payment per consumption of content. In cases where they are less than 900 euros, only 13.7% has paid for digital content in the last year, while those with revenues of 1,601 and 2,500, the payment for content amounts to 39.1% and in the case of the highest income , over 2,500 euros, more than half of the population has paid for content in the last 12 months.

Finally, we could talk about the attitude of users towards legal and unauthorized content and, in% this sense, it should be noted that 35 maintains that, on many occasions, it does not know whether the content it uses is authorized or not.

The use of personal mobile stom-in for business is frequent

Among electronic devices, the most important is mobile, as it is the most used in the activities of greatest penetration between Spaniards and the leader of virtually all types of content, except audiovisual content, E-books, video games, educational content and generators by users themselves, as well as shared personal ones.

In addition, it should be noted that,% according to Strategy Analytics, 50.4 consumers use a personal device for commercial purposes. In the survey of more than 1,000 surveyers from AppOptix’s mobile consumer dashboard, research found that users are leveraging file sharing, remote access, and other work-related apps when they are not in the Office.

About the frequency of use for a month, more than%half – 50.4 –, when asked about the frequency –% from time to% time in a month – they used their personal mobile phone for business, about 59 indicated that more than 25%time.

The conclusion drawn from the research is that there is a tremendous opportunity for those B2B companies looking for commercial use in smartphones, data and consumer apps.

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