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Navigating Crisis in Mexico: Lessons in Business Continuity

  Mexico has been dealt a tough hand in the last few years, to say the least. In an article published in this month’s issue of Continuity Insights—a leading trade publication devoted to business continuity planning—Softtek’s COO for Nearshore Services Fernando Mendez discusses how two different disasters (H1N1 outbreak of 2009 and Hurricane Alex of 2010) required similar guiding principles to keep business up and running.  

Fernando, a ‘Softtekian’ for almost 25 years, says Softtek has learned the importance of planning ahead and keeping a clear focus for when the worst and—in this case—unpredictable, hits.

We, as humans, tend to focus on outcomes rather than on the process.  Instead, businesses should spend more time analyzing the course that led to the result—good or bad.  It’s not about the cards you are dealt, but how you play them.

I invite you to read Fernando's article I have referenced, "Different Disasters, Different Priorities: Same Principles." 

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