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The importance of creating a language for quantum computing

Although quantum computing still needs to develop much of its potential, companies are participating in a tough competitive race to get a sufficiently powerful quantum computer. For this, they are developing different languages ​​necessary for this technology. Microsoft recently announced its language called Q #.

IBM, for its part, has launched the IBM Q Network, joining several companies and universities to try to jointly develop and investigate quantum computing in different industries.

New programming languages ​​could boost quantum computing

Today, quantum computing is still in a testing period. However, companies are trying to push this technology through new programming languages.

The expert in quantum programming language at the University of Maryland, Xiaodi Wu, believes that “The new high-level quantum languages ​​are the next logical step. This will open the door for more people to use these machines, “he says,” which could lead to new fields of research for the quantum community. “

Some calls have already been made to create new open source quantum languages ​​so that the community of developers in general can offer their input. The goal is to give quantum computing the same kind of momentum that Linux development gave the internet.

But, keep in mind that all this development can have consequences as an increase of people interested in profiles related to the sector. “We want to develop the quantum workforce,” says Krysta Svore, senior research manager at quantum computing at Microsoft, “because quantum computing will open up a whole new economy and we’re going to need people who are quantum programmers, algorithm developers and engineers.”

Microsoft has presented its language Q #

According to Svore, new types of language are needed to replace those of current computers, since these will not work in quantum computers when encoding information using binary code, while quantum computers that use qubits, capable of coding 1 and 0 at the same time, giving them a high potential and are the main reason why this technology has become so popular and many say that it would make great advances in other technologies such as Artificial Intelligence.

For this to be possible, developers require both software and hardware compatible with quantum computing and for that, the quantum language that would allow automate some tasks of developers, who currently need to have extensive knowledge about the operation of quantum computers.

In fact, Microsoft has recently introduced its Q # language, joining the elite of high-level programming languages ​​with QCL and Quipper. This language can be used both in desktops and in the Azure cloud computing service. In addition, the company also offers tools to help developers use it, “Quantum Development Kit.”






IBM will open centers dedicated to quantum computing in the four continents

In addition, IBM also plans to establish regional centers on four continents, called IBM Q Network Hubs. Through these, collaborators and researchers will be able to use the IBM Q system and jointly explore this technology.The objective of these centers is to accelerate the development of this technology and facilitate knowledge and access to quantum computing, as well as research. There will be two IBM Q Network Hubs in the United States, one in IBM Research in New York and another in Oak Ridge National Lab. In Asia you will meet at the Japanese University of Keio, in Oceania you will meet at the University of Melbourne (Australia) and, finally, in Europe he will be at the University of Oxford (United Kingdom).

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